Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dying But Not Alone

She lies quietly in the dim light
She is tired and giving up the fight
Strangers wonder around her bed
She hears them distantly around her head
There is no family or friends to tell her goodbye
The nurse is sad wiping a tear from her eye
Dying on Christmas Eve and all alone
However, she is not, for God is calling her home
Nurses separate themselves from the sad event
Nevertheless, she is at peace and soon to be content
The nurse is sad but has done what she can
For she knows that God has a new plan

Monday, March 28, 2011


Just beneath the crescent moon
Nature plays a pleasant tune
Does God have a plan tonight
Peace and tranquility would be all right
The splendor shimmer that reflects
Makes the moonlight sky so perfect
Many just take it for granted
Man has consumed this planet
God please do not despair
Earth does not even compare
To the place we call paradise
So beautiful, pure and precise
                          By Deirdre Williams

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Youth Today

What is wrong with the youth today?
Have they no morals or goals to display
They want things now and not to earn and work
Sometimes they hang off their parents coat tails and just lurk
Can they balance a checkbook or pay a bill
Or do they sit constantly texting in the window sill
As parents we can scream, encourage and preach
But you are wasting your breath on the informal speech
Remember we were all once young
Give them time and bite your tongue
You see times have changed from the day
The youth still just want to hang out and play
Do not get discouraged because they will grow and mature
Remember we were all once only an amateur
By Deirdre Williams

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Thunderstorm

   The clouds roll in on the horizon
At first they are an image of beauty
Gently flowing closer to the eye
Suddenly the sky becomes dark
The birds stop singing their songs
The wind becomes cooler and slightly stronger
The fresh smell of rain astounds me
Lightening descends upon the darkened sky
It is stronger than any force
Suddenly the clouds are above
Boldly presenting their force
The rain drops gently hit my face
God is saturating his majestic creation
Within moments the clouds move out of sight
The colors of the rainbow glisten in the sky
The green grass shimmers like a mirror
The birds once again sing their songs
The sky has said its peace
The earth is once again replenished
By Deirdre Williams

Life in My Eyes

Look at my face
Simply full of love and true grace
Look closer past the wrinkles of time
In my eyes, I am still in my prime
My body is feeble, tired, and old
However, my spirit remains tough and bold
My hands might be shaky and crooked to some
Nevertheless, how wise and sure I have become
I lay here watching the nurses and doctors work hard
They know I am willing to strive and do not discard
They see it in my eyes still so bright and full of trust
I am simply not ready for a sprinkle of angel dust
I want to thank the nurses for their loving care
I am so happy for life and the time I have to spare
by Deirdre Williams